
Impact of HS2 HGV lorries around Balsall Common

The planning inspector and Secretary of State upheld the second HS2 Ltd appeal against the SMBC refusal of planning permission to increase the number of trucks that HS2 run through Balsall Common centre and down Kelsey Lane.

16 Solihull Parks awarded Green Flag

Elmdon ward Councillor Yvonne Clements praises the Borough's success in retaining its prestigious 16 Green Flags awarded to our parks, cemeteries and green spaces. The Green Flag parks include the outstanding Elmdon Park and Damson Lane Park.

Malvern Park Play Area

Malvern Park is a Green Flag award winning park. Our playground improvements will help to show the continuous improvements for Solihull to retain this internationally recognised quality standard.

Fly-tipping on Kineton Lane

Kineton Lane, the scenic connector between Blythe Valley and Box Trees Island on the A3400, has become a troublesome problem for both residents and authorities.

Kingshurst Park consultation

Kingshurst and North Solihull residents are asked to take part in a survey about proposed enhancements to Kingshurst Park - providing better facilities for the local community, improving health and wellbeing and boosting biodiversity.

Visit to Damson Wood Primary School

Councillor Yvonne Clements visited Damson Wood Primary School just before the King’s Coronation. Yvonne then invited the school children to enter a Coronation themed art competition and later revisited the school to judge the competition.

Yvonne said;