
Knowle Precinct Update

Having played a pivotal role in delivering a petition with 1705 signatures, your Ward Councillors continue to be very concerned about empty shops and general appearance in the centre of Knowle.

New Zebra Crossings in Knowle

Our campaign has delivered two new Zebra Crossings, one on Widney Road near to Mill Lane situated on an existing raised road hump, and one on Tilehouse Green Lane between Morgrove Avenue and Hallcroft Way which is situated on a newly constructed raised road hump.

Knowle Backs Solihull Police Station

Knowle is a very pleasant place to live and work but it hasn’t avoided the problems of crime and anti-social behaviour. Your councillors are therefore backing the need for a regular police presence and the retention of Solihull Police Station.

Dog Kennel Lane, Shirley Housing Development Proposals

Developers have launched another pre-planning application consultation in respect of land off Dog Kennel Lane. This land forms part of site BL2 within the Council’s Local Development Plan. Proposals can be viewed by visiting the public consultation website:

Concerns Raised over Vehicle Thefts from Sears Retail Park

There have been many reports of vehicle theft at Sears Retail Park. We seem to hear regularly about cars being stolen whilst people are shopping and on social media people state that they will not shop at the retail park because of the risk of criminal activity.

The Sir David Amess Fund

Find out about our tribute to our beloved colleague and friend, Sir David Amess.