Shirley East Councillors, Mark Parker, Annette Mackenzie and Karen Grinsell wish to make you aware of a planning application Ref PL/2023/01965/PPFL received by Solihull Council to demolish the existing property at 32 Solihull Road and replace it with apartments. It is proposed that the new apartment building will be three stories high consisting of 9 residential flats with 8 parking spaces.
Cllr Parker said;
We have very strong concerns that the provision of parking spaces for the new dwelling is woefully inadequate, as up to 18 vehicle spaces could be required for residents use, not including visitors. This will lead to potentially displaced parking on side roads such as; Wayfield Road and other adjacent roads in an area where parking is restricted. It will lead to a cluttered street scene and contravenes Policy 8 of the Solihull Local Plan of 2013 which raises serious highway issues.
Other concerns raised to the proposal is the access point on Wayfield Road, to provide 2 parking bays at the rear of the proposed development. The building itself will also be taller than neighbouring properties and will adversely impact residents to the rear of the building.
Plans can be viewed on Solihull Council’s website using this link:
If you support our views and wish to object to the planning application, please email: Quote Ref. PL/2023/01965/PPFL or write to Planning Dept. Solihull MBC, Council House, Manor Square, Solihull, B91 3QB. The closing date is Thursday 26th October 2023.